This afternoon, I decided to enjoy the beautiful weather sitting on the porch reading (meaning NOT running...also meaning I will be up at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning to do the 15 miles I was supposed to do today...). But I came across this passage as I read, and it felt appropriate:
"Let us not weary of repeating it, to think first of all the outcast and sorrowful multitudes, to solace them to give them air, to enlighten them, to love them, to enlarge their horizon magnificently, to lavish upon them eudcation in all its forms, to offer them the example of labour, never the example of idleness, to diminish the weight of the individual burden by intensifying the idea of the universal object, to limit poverty without limiting wealth, to create vast fields of public and popular activity, to have, like Briareus, a hundred hands to stretch out on all sides to the exhausted and the feeble, to employ the collective power in the great duty of opening workshops for all arms, schools for all aptitudes and laboratories for all intelligences, to increase wages, to diminish suffering, to balance the ought and the have, that is to say, to proportion enjoyment to effort and gratification to need, in one word, to evolve from the social structure, for the benefit of those who suffer and those who are ignorant, more light and more comfort; this is, let sympathetic souls forget it not, the first of fraternal obligations."
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